Deuteronomy 30:19I have set before you life and death;....therefore choose life.when you are weary, choose life.when there is confusion,when there is pain,when your only experience is rain,choose life.when the sun is hidden,and you are tested and tried,when all that is within you is a cry.choose life.when answers seem far, and uncertainty surrounds,choose life.when you have fallen from grace and mercy is unseen,choose life.just breathe.and choose life.
Hope for all
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Choose life
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A dear one to me recently expressed her fear in a scary situation. I longed for and fished for something comforting to say, to steady her world. I found myself in my core just as fearful, I immediately shared this with my Saviour, (as if He did not already know.) His gentle whisper back was; "child, your very hairs..."
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7
Photo: aloha update, Kona Hi.
safe in His arms
The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: Deut. 33:27

Evacuees stand around Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo Japan March 11, 2011.(photograph from
When we are at unrest. When everything seems uncertain. When fear grasps at our heart. When the earth is shaking. When all we have is broken. We will be safe in His arms. The same arms that raised the lame to walk, ordered the seas to calm. The hands that clasped the widows,the hands that folded in fervent prayer on the mountain. These very same hands that were pierced for you and me are the ones we cling to now. We will be safe in His arms.

On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’John 7:37-38
all who thirst let them come to you. let them come to you and drink from the fountain of hope in the midst of their trouble. that you may put their sweet heads at rest. that you may fulfill the emptiness that resides in their being. that you may quench this thirst. this desperation for more, for peace,for joy, for rest. they do not know it is You they need. their life giver, their Saviour. how am I so blessed to know You? thank you. help me show You, prove yourself in me. it is my prayer, i ask now.
(Photograph from the orange county register news)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My hope
My hope is built
On nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust
The sweetest frame
But wholly lean
On Jesus' name
When the mountains are falling
When the waters are rising
I shall be safe in You
Though the nations are quaking
Every kingdom be shaken
Still I will rest in You
When darkness seems
To hide Your face
I rest on Your
Unchanging graces
In every high
And stormy gale
My anchor holds
Within the veil
-Matt Redman- lyrics to "My Hope"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Silence in Silence
In this place of silence I come to ask;
Reasons that my soul questions,
Answers that my heart yearns for;
In this place of silence
I ask for a reply;
Answers to my deepest care's
So that I may rest in knowledge;
Still in this place of silence;
with more questions than before;
I kneel ,I plead with You;
To just even whisper your will
I find myself kneeling
Then look up at your light;
I worship because you are holy
I worship with all might
In this silence I've been returned ;
The joy of my salvation;
Answers to my questions,
burdens of my heart ,
have flown away with the winter wind
I leave just thankful in their stead.
Forever and for always I pray that I remember,
The thankfulness and love I receive only in You
And for that alone
Silence in silence is good.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
His great love
His great love covers all
Covers the sparrow with protection through flight
Covers the earth with sunshine and snow
Covers the animals with thick, fur coats.
Covers the nations with mercy and grace
Covers His children with His sheltering wing,
Look around today wherever you are. Watch trains, plains and vehicles at high speeds safely get to their destinations. Watch your children play in innocence.
Watch the animals gather food, even in our Alaska winter. Then reflect on how He has watched over you, His child and know, bask in His great love!
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