Friday, February 4, 2011


Beside her I knelt for prayer,
and when I did I felt His presence so near
It was my amazing Jesus standing there!
He squeezed my hand and said "please don't fear"

"Lord, she has left me, I can not bear it;"
"You conquered the grave, conquer hers?"
He whispered, "she is not dead"

"She sleeps then I know, but never will I see her eyes here again
So far from us she is and ever will be"
He whispered, "she is not a sleep"

"But I long for her my Jesus, I want to keep her here,
though she will be with you
still so far, too far from me"
He whispered, "I am here"

"Jesus how do I know that she awaits for me?
She is not dead, and she does not sleep?"
He whispered, "abide with me"

Truly, in many of my most desperate times is where I have felt my Saviour the closest.
I pray "Abide with Him. Why do we wander? Why do we seek out anything beside Thee?
I Samuel 2:2
There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.


  1. I like the devotional idea.
    They say when we go through things we're better at comforting, and you are.
    Thank you for writing your thoughts, and please keep it up.
