Deuteronomy 30:19I have set before you life and death;....therefore choose life.when you are weary, choose life.when there is confusion,when there is pain,when your only experience is rain,choose life.when the sun is hidden,and you are tested and tried,when all that is within you is a cry.choose life.when answers seem far, and uncertainty surrounds,choose life.when you have fallen from grace and mercy is unseen,choose life.just breathe.and choose life.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Choose life
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A dear one to me recently expressed her fear in a scary situation. I longed for and fished for something comforting to say, to steady her world. I found myself in my core just as fearful, I immediately shared this with my Saviour, (as if He did not already know.) His gentle whisper back was; "child, your very hairs..."
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7
Photo: aloha update, Kona Hi.
safe in His arms
The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: Deut. 33:27

Evacuees stand around Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo Japan March 11, 2011.(photograph from
When we are at unrest. When everything seems uncertain. When fear grasps at our heart. When the earth is shaking. When all we have is broken. We will be safe in His arms. The same arms that raised the lame to walk, ordered the seas to calm. The hands that clasped the widows,the hands that folded in fervent prayer on the mountain. These very same hands that were pierced for you and me are the ones we cling to now. We will be safe in His arms.

On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’John 7:37-38
all who thirst let them come to you. let them come to you and drink from the fountain of hope in the midst of their trouble. that you may put their sweet heads at rest. that you may fulfill the emptiness that resides in their being. that you may quench this thirst. this desperation for more, for peace,for joy, for rest. they do not know it is You they need. their life giver, their Saviour. how am I so blessed to know You? thank you. help me show You, prove yourself in me. it is my prayer, i ask now.
(Photograph from the orange county register news)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My hope
My hope is built
On nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust
The sweetest frame
But wholly lean
On Jesus' name
When the mountains are falling
When the waters are rising
I shall be safe in You
Though the nations are quaking
Every kingdom be shaken
Still I will rest in You
When darkness seems
To hide Your face
I rest on Your
Unchanging graces
In every high
And stormy gale
My anchor holds
Within the veil
-Matt Redman- lyrics to "My Hope"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Silence in Silence
In this place of silence I come to ask;
Reasons that my soul questions,
Answers that my heart yearns for;
In this place of silence
I ask for a reply;
Answers to my deepest care's
So that I may rest in knowledge;
Still in this place of silence;
with more questions than before;
I kneel ,I plead with You;
To just even whisper your will
I find myself kneeling
Then look up at your light;
I worship because you are holy
I worship with all might
In this silence I've been returned ;
The joy of my salvation;
Answers to my questions,
burdens of my heart ,
have flown away with the winter wind
I leave just thankful in their stead.
Forever and for always I pray that I remember,
The thankfulness and love I receive only in You
And for that alone
Silence in silence is good.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
His great love
His great love covers all
Covers the sparrow with protection through flight
Covers the earth with sunshine and snow
Covers the animals with thick, fur coats.
Covers the nations with mercy and grace
Covers His children with His sheltering wing,
Look around today wherever you are. Watch trains, plains and vehicles at high speeds safely get to their destinations. Watch your children play in innocence.
Watch the animals gather food, even in our Alaska winter. Then reflect on how He has watched over you, His child and know, bask in His great love!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Psalms 52:9
I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it good before thy saints.
Patiently or impatiently I still must wait. The lapse of time from the beginning of the wait to the moment in time when the outcome has been performed is beautiful in itself.
My wait if patient is lovely, beneficial to my being. The wait of a beautiful thing always takes time.
The growth time of a seedling into a strong apple tree. The formation of new life, from conception unto birth. The education of a Physician. The construction of a high rise. A masterpiece from an artists brush...
The outcome always enriched... always enjoyed... because of the wait.
Come meet me, sweet Jesus
May the wind of change blow through me
Speak your Spirit I ask, heal my heart
All I have are prayers, unless you come;
Bring to life whats inside of me
change my heart until all I see is you
That the vision I have of you today will be the ending of my ways
Unchain my heart, it's the only way to freedom
You and You alone, there is a work you have already done
Finish what needs to be completed in me
That the beginning of you will be the ending of me;
And all the works that I have done will burn up in the sun,
That you may reign in my song
Luke 1:68
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Beautiful things

Beauty in a flower
Beauty in the bee
Beauty in a lions strength
Beauty in the weakness of a lamb
Beauty in a sun warmed beach
Beauty in the chill of a storm
Beauty in a Father's love
Beauty in a Mother's touch
Beauty in a baby's smile
Beauty in the eye's shed tear
Beauty in ashes
Beauty in the dance
Beauty in repentance
Beauty in forgiveness
Beauty in the manger
Beauty of the cross
Beauty in redemption
Beauty in life eternal
"He makes beautiful things..."
Ecclesiastes 3:11
He hath made everything beautiful in His time:...
Strengthen me Lord!
That I might not be rooted here
Lifted high close to heaven, upon your steady rock
Weakened and poured out, but strong in You
If the waves here leave scars
I think of you
One who bears many for me
Infuse me with your power
Leaning on the heritage of those gone before
Able me to stand before the walls of temptation
Lord, plant me on your highest mountain top
In your eternal strength
So that each root, lifting storm will only lead me closer to You
Colossians 1:11
Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness;
Sunday, February 6, 2011
You care for me and it crushes all the fear I have inside,
Your child, hand in hand we walk side by side
You convince me in the whisper of the trees
In the warmth and glory of the sun
You compassions never fail me, no matter how fast I might have run
In your breath alone I feel so small
Mercy, sweet mercy I bask in, in the morning
Grace, peace and rest are given at the dawning
Through joy or in trial even in my deepest mourning
Secure in my Saviour, He gets me into light
A walk with You in the garden, to tell me all will be alright
I was told by a friend today living on the other side of our country that they had prayed for us at a specific time last week, a specific time last week in which I really needed it.
His care over me, His compassion for me...even in my weakness astonishes me and gives me a thankful heart this morning. "Oh yes He cares"!
Lam.3:22-23 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
She stepped onto the sidewalk and started on her way, at first just toddling, steps excited and sporadic.
Each new one brought such joy and surprise. There were flowers to pick and bright, green grass to smell. The air was warm and the sun shone above brightly.
Legs grew stronger and her way became faster. The sun shown brightly still and pine needles danced in the wind. Rain showers came, and with them was always a rainbow of promise after.
The sidewalk narrowed.
The walking space became smaller due to the mounds of ice and snow. The ice though clear and beautiful at times could be so very sharp and cold. If not careful it would cut and leave wounds deep.
Her steps were forced to be slower, cumbered steps that only came with great effort.
The snow sparkling and beautiful comforted and blanketed the ice, hiding many times the ugliness and threat.
Up ahead the sidewalk appeared changed, it was clear and shining , she forged ahead quickly, ready for the run once again!
What came was a shock. Her footing was lost, she slipped and slid out of control, ICE! Ice that was black and cold,deceiving to the naked eye.
The fall so jarred every bone, shook her to her very core.
Only left was a coldness, unable to shake, a loneliness that could not be denied.
Where was the Sun?
Where was her strength?
Her legs lay limp, injured by the fall... wearied by the run.
Thoughts of first steps on the sidewalk enveloped her memory. She missed the joy, longed for the peace and the pureness of new discovery.
Where was this place?
Did this sidewalk really lead to such an unfulfilled dead end?
All at once she was lifted in power and might, though afraid she felt not, she was so comforted by His sight.
His strong steps could not falter though the ice was so thick,
His arms wrapped tightly around her and all was right.
He carried her into a garden so fair,
with birds singing and fireflies dancing all over in delight.
She grew strength in her legs and again in her heart
soon she was ready to seek back out the
Again it had changed this time with a light
it was clear
the end she saw was pure and shining
Celestial, bright full of hope and His grace,
her step though careful
were lighter now in this place.
I love to run, even in the winter I strap on ice cleats and run in the snow and ice. While running thoughts of the ,at times, treacherous sidewalk we run on in life made me think. I wrote this for a friend who had a "slippery run" recently,overcoming the fall, in Jesus name she shines, running forward now, it is beautiful, it is an encouragement to me..
Col. 1:9-13 " That ye might walk worthy of the Lord."
His song
Psalms 40:3
And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.
How powerful the song that you have given me
How pure and how beautiful it plays
Truth pours out of it's anthem
Hope flow's from it's page
The lost rejoice at it's words
The saints worship at the melody
This song lifts high
Can reach the farthest way
Help me to deliver
Strengthen me to proclaim
Tainted not by me
Harmonious in You
Until I hear the angels sing
This song that is from You
Friday, February 4, 2011
Beside her I knelt for prayer,
and when I did I felt His presence so near
It was my amazing Jesus standing there!
He squeezed my hand and said "please don't fear"
"Lord, she has left me, I can not bear it;"
"You conquered the grave, conquer hers?"
He whispered, "she is not dead"
"She sleeps then I know, but never will I see her eyes here again
So far from us she is and ever will be"
He whispered, "she is not a sleep"
"But I long for her my Jesus, I want to keep her here,
though she will be with you
still so far, too far from me"
He whispered, "I am here"
"Jesus how do I know that she awaits for me?
She is not dead, and she does not sleep?"
He whispered, "abide with me"
Truly, in many of my most desperate times is where I have felt my Saviour the closest.
I pray "Abide with Him. Why do we wander? Why do we seek out anything beside Thee?
I Samuel 2:2
There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
1 Corinthians 13:2
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity I am nothing.
The strength received from my Holy God can be enlightening to my soul. I can walk forward in confidence with a faith unshakable, and a determination unstoppable. But without love, but without the charity of my amazing Father, how fruitless it would look to a hopeless world, without love?
Oh God, help me to only show your love, to only show your strength. And to only show your compassion, that I might not get in your way, that I may not cause one of your dear one's to stumble!
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